Big Data Key to Understanding Path-To-Purchase

A recent article by David Edelman, For Big Data to Work, You Need Intuition, mentioned how big data is becoming critical to making good business decisions, however, companies need to have the right people in place looking for the right information. It’s imperative for the data scientist or analyst to have a marketing experience and good intuition on how to make sense of the data and put it to use.

Edelman also mentioned how important  it is to look closely at the consumer decision journey as opposed to just looking at transaction data. With consumers using more online resources to research and evaluate products and service there can be a points in the consumer’s journey where they are falling off. If you’re not providing the information that they’re looking for at the right time and the right place, you are going to lose them.

This is where big data is going to help you evaluate where your “leakage is occurring.”

The New Consumer Decision Journey:

Now Decision Journey


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