Archives for June 2011

Enterprise Social Media With Radian6 &

This week I attended’s CloudForce conference where, for the first time, they presented their new functionality with Radian6.  With the ink barely dry on their purchase agreement with Radian6, Salesforce has come up with some great integrated functionality that will enable the combination of social data with a CRM that can truly measure ROI.   Others have made clumsy attempts at this but I think this partnership really has some legs since this is a cloud based platform as opposed to software CRMs.

I believe this is one of the first attempts to truly tie in social media at an enterprise level with CRM, sales and customer service. I especially love the fact that their platform has the ability to calculate ROI for social customer service; as it isn’t just a function of revenue.

I think they still have some kinks to iron out as far as pricing is concerned because of the separate pricing for the Radian6 integration.  Radian6’s pricing models are a bit convoluted compared with the straight forward pricing of Salesforce but  I think once they have this figured out they’ll see companies flocking to use the service.

Having experience with both Salesforce and Radian6 I’m excited to see how these two platforms evolve. Below is a video of’s CEO Marc Benioff discussing the three steps to becoming a social enterprise.